Role of the Credit Bureaus in development of the financial sector of Georgia

NGO “Society and Banks” has studied the activity of the Credit Bureaus. The study revealed their role in development of private sector...
NGO “Society and Banks” has studied the activity of the Credit Bureaus. The study revealed their role in development of private sector...
"Society and Banks" inquired the case and reviewed the data about properties foreclosed by the commercial banks, micro financial organizations and private entities
Restructuring is modification of the loan service terms of the bank customer (service means the coverage of the loan, including the principle sum and interest); such modification aims to simplify the loan service for the customer. The most popular form of the restructuring in Georgia is summing of all liabilities of the customer and allocation of the total loan over larger period of time
Non-government Organization "Society and Banks" monitored advertising activities of commercial banks for the period of the last 3 months; monitoring included as traditional as well as internet media (including TV channels, Radio, printed pre
For verifying economic activities in various regions of Georgia, NGO "Society and Banks" reviewed the loans issued by the commercial banks on regional basis (consumer, mortgage, auto, business and other loans)
In the last 10 years, commercial banks financed the national economy with 5 milliard Gels, approximately. For the purposes of analyzing current business condition in Georgia, non-governmental organization “Society and Banks” reviewed the local and foreign currency loans issued by the commercial banks for the national economy (on resident legal entities) in dynamics, value of the goods produced in business field according to the economical activities and new economic program of the government – “Produce in Georgia”.